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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Mark Lipman Biography, bibliography and Social Activism


Recipient of the "2015 Joe Hill Labor Poetry Award"; founder of VAGABOND; a writer, poet, multi-media artist and activist, author of six books: "Poetry for the Masses" (2015), "Global Economic Amnesty" (2014) with a comment by Noam Chomsky, "A Stirring Underfoot" (2011), "The Dirt of Despair" (2010) translated into Spanish by poet Antonieta Villamil, "Because We Were Happy And Free" (2009). His first novel, "Impermanence", was published in Paris 2001, and nominated for the "Bard Literary Prize" in 2003.

Mark uses poetry to connect communities to the greater social issues that affect all of our lives, while building consciousness through the spoken word. Mark Lipman is also an AWA (Award Winning Author) with the book "The Border Crossed Us: An Anthology to End Apartheid" (2015), given annually by The Latino Book Awards for published books with themes about or written by Latino Authors.

Mark Lipman published in the anthologies "Coiled Serpent: Poets Arising From The Cultural Quakes and Shifts of Los Angeles" with an Introduction by Los Angeles Poet Laureate Luis J. Rodriguez, published by Tia Chucha Press, "Revolutionary Poets Brigade Anthology: Los Angeles", "The RPB World Anthology", "Heartfire Anthology" and "Overthrow Capitalism Anthology", etc.

In 2002 he became writer in residence in Paris France, for a year at the world famous Shakespeare and Company, under the guidance of its founder George Whitman. In that year he worked with Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Jack Hirschman and the Italian poet, Igor Costanzo, in Back to Beat, a Fluxus art and poetry event in Breccia, Italy.

In Los Angeles, Mark has been a frequent contributor with articles and poetry for the Free Venice Beachhead. Currently, he is a member of POWER (People Organized for Westside Renewal), Occupy Venice, the Revolutionary Poets Brigade and 100 Thousand Poets for Change.


Since moving to Venice California in 2008, he has been organizing on affordable housing issues and has been an outspoken advocate for human rights to housing, from Veteran Rights to Human Rights. 

His social and political activism began in Berlin, where as a witness to true democracy, he helped to take down The Berlin Wall. After returning from active duty with NMCB 16 (Seabees) - a Gulf War Era Veteran, Mark's political views moved further to the left, having witnessed from inside the military the contradictions between the "official stories" and the reality of war.

Co-founder of the Berkeley Stop the War Coalition (USA), Agir Contre la Guerre (France) and Occupy Los Angeles, and most recently the Westside Tenants Union, he has been an outspoken critic of war and occupation since 2001. In 1992, he started organizing with CalPIRG, to protect California's waterways and then, while living in Paris, he was a volunteer with Greenpeace France in 1998 and later became their Assistant Rainforest Campaigner.

Antonieta Villamil Biografía - Biography




Gloria Antonieta Villamil, nació en Bogotá, Colombia en 1962. Poeta bilingüe:Escribe poesía en Español desde 1972 y poesía en Inglés desde 1998.Autodidacta.

En 2012, el Instituto Cervantes de Nueva York y Literacy Now! le otorgaron el “Premio Inter-nacional Libro Latino de Poesía” y en junio de 2001, ganó el “Premio de Poesía Gastón Baquero” en Madrid España. Desde 2012 edita la antología anual Poesía Féstival y dirige Duende Nights performance multimedia de poesía con micrófono abierto en el Centro de Arte Literario Beyond Baroque.

Antonieta Villamil nos inspira a la lectura haciendo énfasis en la presencia física del libro y nos deleita con su poesía, que si bien irrumpe en el spoken word, juega con elementos de un dominio propio.

Presenta poesía en lo que ella llama Cantoleo: Lee y canta en espontáneas transformando el libro en partitura musical en mezcla de ritmos de India y España con voces afrolatinas e indígenas de América. Nos brinda una experiencia intercultural y en su escritura dignifica a los olvidados con una persistencia que nos urge a escuchar sus voces.

Libros publicados en versión final con otros poemas inéditos: “The Empire For One Poem”, “El Imperio por Un Poema—a sed de ensoñación—” (Vagabond 2019),  “Soluna en Bosque —Brebaje de lo Invencible este Conjuro Invoque el Amor esta Pócima Espante el Desamor—” (Vagabond 2019), “Cicuta Beat con Poiesis para Agitar Alas en el Fuego” (Vagabond 2019-2020). “Arcana de Dominio Imaginante —este diálogo de ínfimas cosas este viaje descifrador en lugar de los sueños—“, (Vagabond 2019-2020), Acantilados del Sueño —una herida por otra en museo de impunidad— (Vagabond 2019-2020).

Libros y plaquetas publicados entre 2002 y 2018 en edición limitada: “Arcana de Los Dominios Imaginantes” (2015, 200 ejemplares), “Soluna en Bosque—Conjuros para invocar el amor”— (Caza de Libros, Bogotá, Colombia, 2011, 125 ejemplares), “Fénix Muisca” (libro 2010 y 2012, plaqueta 2018), “Conjuros Pócimas y Monólogos de Transgresora para Espantar el Desamor” (libro 2010 y plaqueta 2017), “Acantilados del Sueño” (libro y plaqueta 2010), “Los Acantilados del Sueño” (Editorial Verbum, Madrid España 2002, 500 ejemplares).

Primeros libros publicados en edición limitada de cien libros y versiones en marcha: “Violento Placer” (The Latino Press, New York, libro 2001 y plaqueta 2011), “Suave y Lento”, “Razones de la señora bien y veinte poemas bastardos” (The Latino Press, New York 1999), “Traigo como arena en los ojos un poema inmenso”, (Trilce Editores, Bogotá Colombia 1998).

Seleccionada al lado de los poetas Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Langston Hughes, entre otros, para la película documental “Voces en Tiempo de Guerra / Voices In Wartime”. Ver: watch?v=8sxkI9Ix5as.

En Los Estados Unidos, su poesía originalmente escrita en inglés recibió el premio a prosa poética: “Writers at Work” por “Migration Fields” en 2002. Poesía en Movimiento: “Poetry In Motion” por “Green Shoes”, poema bilingüe en poster y marcador de libro, exhibido en autobuses y trenes, publicado por ‘Poetry Society of America’ en 2001. Finalista del “Premio de Poesía Ann Stanford” en 2001, con “The animal you seek”. 

Ha publicado en más de 40 antologías en las que aparecen versiones en marcha de poemas que se publicaron posteriormente en versión final:

"EXTREME: an anthology for social and environmental justice" edición y prólogo de Mark Lipman, publicada por Vagabond en 2018, y comentado por Blase Bonpane and Cornel West. 

“21 Poetas Por La Paz” edición y prólogo de Leticia Luna y publicado en México por la UJAT (Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco) en 2016.

“Wide Awake: Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond” editada por Suzanne Lummis y publicada por el sello California Poetry Series de Beyond Baroque Books (2015).

“Coiled Serpent” prologada por Luis J. Rodríguez y publicada por la editorial Tía Chucha´s Press (2015).

“The Border Crossed Us” y “Rise” editadas por Mark Lipman y publicada en Vagabond Books (2015-2016).

Antología FEIPOL 2016 (Festival Internacional de Poesía Latinoamericana editada por Rossy Evelin Lima y Eréndira Santillana en McAllen Texas.

“Poesía colombiana escrita por mujeres, tomo 2”, editada por Guiomar Cuesta Y Alfredo Ocampo, Bogotá Colombia editorial Apidama 2014.

“Viernes De Poesía” a cargo del crítico literario Fabio Jurado Valencia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá 2011.

“RPB volumen I, II, IV”, selección de Jack Hirschman, editor Mark Lipman, presentada en City Lights, San Francisco, Estados Unidos 2010, 2013, 2015...

“Speaking desde las heridas (Cibertestimonios transfronterizos / transborder”, editora Claire Joysmith, UNAM, México 2008.

“Una herida por otra / One wound for another”, prologado por Elena Poniatowska, editoras Claire Joysmith y Clara Lomas, UNAM, México 2005.

“Pinceladas Literarias Hispanoamericanas”, edición de Gloria Bautista Gutiérrez, New York, 2004.

“Mujeres Mirando al Sur”, de poetas sudamericanas en USA, editada por Zulema Moret y publicada por Torremozas en España, 2004.

“Trilogía poética de las mujeres en Hispanoamérica (pícaras, místicas, y rebeldes)”, editada por Leticia Luna, México 2004.

“Voices in Wartime /  Voces en Tiempo de Guerra”, película documental y antología, editor Andrew Himes, Estados Unidos 2005.

“Reflexiones (Ensayos Sobre Escritoras Hispanoamericanas Contemporáneas)”, editora Priscilla Gac-Artigas, New Jersey 2002.

“Poetas Contra La Guerra en Irak”, editor Sam Hamil, Nueva York 2003.

“Poetas Sin Fronteras” editada por Ramiro Lagos y publicada por la editorial Verbum en España en el 2000.

“Enlaces: Transnacionalidad —El Caribe y Su Diáspora—”, editora Linda M. Rodríguez Guglielmoni, New York 2000.

“Prometeo: Memoria del XII Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín”, 2002.

“Presencia Viva de La Poesía”, revista Casa de Poesía Silva, Bogotá 2001.

“The Southern California Anthology”, Los Ángeles 2000, entre las más

Julian Palley escritor, ensayista y crítico de la asociación PEN WEST de los Estados Unidos, escribió en 1998: “ una promesa extraordinaria en el campo de la literatura. No sólo promesa: la poesía de Antonieta Villamil es una contribución madura de la más alta calidad.”

Links en Internet de Antonieta Villamil:

Blog Libros, poesía, fotos, eventos, lecturas, performance multimedia de la poeta Antonieta Villamil.

Revista anual POESÍA FÉSTIVAL:

VIDEO BILINGÜE de Antonieta Villamil, Jarabe de Fumo Encantado con Zapatos Verdes/Syrup of Enchanted Smoke with Green Shoes, dedicado a su hermano desaparecido:

VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL. Antonieta Villamil, poeta invitada a Viernes de Poesía en La Universidad Nacional de Colombia con el profesor y curador de la colección de cuadernos VIERNES DE POESÍA, el Dr. Fabio Jurado Valencia. Facultad de ciencias Humanas, Posgrado en Literatura y Ciencias de la educación.  Mayo 27 de 2011 en el Salón Oval de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas.

VIDEO EN INGLÉS. Seleccionada al lado de Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Langston Hughes, entre otros, para la película documental “Voces en Tiempo de Guerra / Voices In Wartime” de Andrew Himes y Rick King en el que aparece con su poema por los desaparecidos y se manifiesta en contra de la guerra en Iraq:

VIDEO BILINGÜE. La Poesía Rompe Fronteras con Antonieta Villamil, entrevista Diana Cisneros durante FEIPOL Festival Internacional de Poesía Latinoamericana en McAllen Texas, 2016.

VIDEO POEMA: El Poema de La Semana de IBE TV de España durante el Festival Internacional Grito de Mujer en 2016:

VIDEO BILINGÜE poemas originales de Antonieta Villamil en español y lectura en inglés de Barbara Paschke: Invitada en 2012 por Lawrence Ferlinghetti y Jack Hirschman al Festival Internacional de Poesía de San Francisco:

VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL: Aniversario del Nacimiento del poeta salvadoreño Roque Dalton. Antonieta interpreta en canto improvisado el poema de Dalton Entre el Puñal y El Machete y después interpreta en canto improvisado su propio poema inédito dedicado a Roque Dalton y a El Salvador:


Educación: En marzo de 2006 fue nombrada Miembro Honorario del Capítulo Gamma Tau de la Sociedad Alpha Mu Gamma del Colegio Nacional de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de La Sierra, Riverside California.

De 1996 a 1998 participó en Talleres de Escritura Creativa en inglés. De 1980 a 1981 estudió Comunicación Social en la Universidad Externado de Colombia en Bogotá. En 1979 fue la Mejor Bachiller en Humanidades en el Colegio Francisco de Paula Santander INEM de Bogotá.

Antonieta Villamil

Biography. ENGLISH CV

ANTONIETA VILLAMIL is an AWA Award Winning Author, bilingual poet with over 11 published books that brings a cross-cultural experience, performing her poetry in a reading and singing dynamic fusion and delivers a strong social conscious message. She focuses her writing on the forgotten ones and honors them with a persistence that compels us to hear their voices.

Inspired in Hölderlin’s axiom: “THE POETS FOUND THAT WHICH PERSISTS”, Antonieta Villamil presents poetry with a mixture of readings and brief stanzas in an eclectic style using voice and song of a multitude of cultures.

She speaks poetry as if it were a musical score. The result is an alchemical mixture of rhythms and voices from the Middle-East, India, Spain, Africa, to the Latino African, and indigenous peoples of America.

PRESENT ACTIVITY: Director of “Poesía Féstival”: Annual printed review and cultural salon open mic at the literary center Beyond Baroque in Venice California that brings poetry to the under-served community of native Spanish speakers in Los Angeles.

She established in the United States the independent poetry press Caza de Poesía on the International Poetry Day, March 21, 2003 as an act of protest against war, violence, occupation, homelessness, disappearance and/or any forms of aggression from any Power of State against The People and/or from one human being to another.

The Cervantes Institute of New York and Literacy Now awarded the “14 International Latino Book Award 2012” for her book “Soluna En Bosque: Conjuros Para Invocar El Amor” for Best Book of Poetry in Spanish in The United States.

The 13th International Latino Book Award 2011 for the full edition of “ACANTILADOS DEL SUEÑO / Sea Cliffs of Dream".

In June 2001, "Sea Cliffs of Dream" won the "International Poetry Award Gaston Baquero" in Madrid, Spain.

AWARDS TO HER POETRY WRITTEN IN ENGLISH: Prose Poems Project Prize in 2002 for “Migration Fields” in Los Angeles; Poetry in Motion Project to “Green Shoes”, a poem showcased on buses and trains by Poetry Society of America in the United States and the Ann Stanford Poetry Prize Finalist in 2001 with “The animal you seek” in Los Angeles California.

ANTHOLOGIES: Antonieta Villamil´s poetry has been published in anthologies alongside poets Amiri Baraka, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Luis J. Rodriguez, Jack Hirschman, Alicia Partnoy among others.

Recent anthologies: EXTREME: An anthology for social and environmental justice, edited by Mark Lipman and published by Vagabond in 2018 with comments by Blasé Bonpane and Cornel West.

"21 Poets for Peace" edited by Leticia Luna and published in Mexico by UJAT in 2016.

"Rise" (2016) and "The Border Crossed Us: An Anthology to End Apartheid" (2015), edited by Mark Lipman and published by Vagabond Books.

"Coiled Serpent: Poets Arising From The Cultural Quakes and Shifts of Los Angeles", introduction by Los Angeles Poet Laureate Luis J. Rodriguez.

"Wide Awake: Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond" edited by Suzanne Lummis.

Her poetry was selected by the poet laureate of San Francisco Jack Hirschman for the anthology “Revolutionary Poets Brigade, Volume I”, edited and published by Mark Lipman, and for RPB Anthologies III and V edited by Kallatumba Press from San Francisco.

Her poetry appears in the testimony book “One Wound For Another”, with an introduction by Elena Poniatowska in 2005, for the anthologies “Pinceladas Literarias Hispanoamericanas” edited by Gloria Bautista Gutierrez, published in New York (2005), “Women Looking South” of South American poets in the USA, published by Torremozas in Spain in 2004.

The documentary “Voices In Wartime”, features Antonieta Villamil next to the North American poets Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes, Walt Whitman, Randall Jarrel, Emily Warn, Saul Williams, Sam Hamill, among others; for the film and anthology edited by Andrew Himes and presented in 2005.

Her latest book "Arcana de los Dominios Imaginantes", published by AVEditor in 2015, was nominated and won Honorable Mention in The International Latino Book Award 2016. She was invited to perform at the 2012 San Francisco International Poetry Festival

PUBLISHED BOOKS are titles in Spanish: Sea Cliffs of Dream (2001), (2010), Muisca Phoenix (2009), (2012), In Place of Dreams (2008), Dialogue of Insignificant Things (2007), SunMoon Inside Forest (Conjures to Invoke Love) (2006), (2011), Paper Swallow, (2005), (2011), Lament for The Poet (2004), Monologues of the Transgressor (2003), Brew of the Invincible (2002), Country Into the Wind (2005), Malinche’s Trade (2012), One Wound for Another (2012). Nine (9) unpublished books and three 3 books written originally in English.

She is an Honorary Member of the Alpha Mu Gamma Society of the National College of Foreign Languages at the University of La Sierra in Riverside, California.

Julian Palley writer, essayist and critic of the PEN West association of the USA, wrote in 1998 that “…she is an extraordinary promise in the field of literature. Not only promise: The poetry of Antonieta Villamil is a mature contribution of the highest quality.”

Antonieta Villamil is available for Spanish-English, bilingual book presentations, poetry festivals, poetry readings, book fairs, and literary performances.

                                                                                                          —Poets and Writers LA.

Voices in Wartime video clip: 

At the San Francisco Poetry Festival: 

Blase Bonpane Reviews Vagabond’s “EXTREME: An Anthology for Social and Environmental Justice”

Review by Blase Bonpane. September 20 2018.

MARK LIPMAN could have been executed for his “comoedia” (Latin). Ecclesiastical mores did not permit games to be played with heaven, hell or purgatory. He made his point with great risk, Michelangelo could have been eliminated for his painting of eminent church people in hell.

We live in a time of EXTREME and most of the extreme is negative. This negativity is a dark reflection on wrong answers. To ignore this raging truth is to live in a state of denial. Fear and hate are the long standing blanket over the aching truth. Artists and risk walk together. Dante. 

What mass media primarily offers is not “fake news”, but rather an absence of critically important news. News editors have the power to ignore the rape of Yemen or thirty million mostly non-combatants who have died in unnecessary, illegal and morally repugnant wars since the end of World War II. I have actually heard “expert pundits” refer to this as a long period of peace since the greatest of all wars.

The artists are still with us. Their risk taking is still with us. Thanks to Mark Lipman for pulling together such people. As political psychotics play with biocide to maintain a failed economic system together with 19th century nationalism, we can be grateful for the poetry of truth tellers. 

War is the ugliest sin on earth. Watching the planet rot out as if we can do nothing to save it will not be solved by, “have a nice day.”

Thanks to Henry Howard for SEA OF OIL, SHIP OF FOOLS. Ignoring a million people sleeping on the streets of the richest nation in history makes Aristotle turn many times in his grave. Distributive justice has been in the plans of intelligent minds for centuries and our pathetic Ivy League Universities still speak of maximizing profit rather than maximizing humanity. No, the Bantustans of Israel will not be ignored by anyone whose mind is in gear. Immigrants are roving the earth looking for a home. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights offers help for these people. International law is ignored by the world’s greatest war machine.
And in this bouquet of truth-telling we do not find cynicism or despair, we find what Antonio Gramsci did as he lived in the hell of Italian Fascism. His intellect made it clear that he was living in such a time and he had “a pessimism of the intellect” which was honesty. HOWEVER, both Gramsci and Mark Lipman are entirely hopeful. As Gramsci, Lipman pulls together those who admit the negativity in observing the world with their intellects AND they are comforted by an optimism of the will. Together we can change it.
I highly recommend, EXTREME; an anthology for social and environmental justice. We shall overcome!
Order your copy of Extreme today.